Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunny Days!

Lola and I have been spending so much time outside the last few days. We go on bike rides, play in the grass, blow bubbles, chase balls around, etc.... She LOVES being outside. Friday we went to the Zoo with Liz, Troy, Brandi Johnson and her niece. Lola was in awe at the animals and not interested at all in her stroller. She walked basically the ENTIRE zoo. I loved watching her and even though she walked the whole way, she still did pretty good at listening to me and following me around. I loved holding her cute little hand and hearing the excitement in her voice. She is just my best little buddy! We ended the day with jumping on the tramp at Grandma J's house which makes her laugh hysterically. I just can't get enough of her giggle!

Yesterday I took advantage of having my sweet husband around so we hauled some dirt home and filled in holes in our yard from our excavationist dog. Lola and I planted one of my Grandma Lola's planters using the same flowers she always loved. I sprayed weeds and mowed our yard. I LOVE mowing lawns. Which is a good thing because with a push mower our yard is a BEAST! Josh always offers but its a good way to get some exercise in and soak in some rays. I think the sound of the mower helps me clear my head too. I just love it! Next week is fertilizing and planting the flower bed...SO EXCITED!

Josh and I went Rock n Bowling last night at Pinecrest Lanes. His uncle Big Mike is the DJ there and it is so fun to go see him and spend some time together. Josh and I went bowling on our "Starving Student" card at college ALL the time before we both left on our missions. We have always enjoyed going together and although we stayed out way too late and my body is exhausted today we had such a good time. Josh even won $50 on the "Black Hole" roll. They shut off all the lights in the entire was literally pitch black...and he got a strike!!! It was so exciting when they flipped the light on in our lane, I was so proud! So he payed for our whole date plus the babysitter! What a stud!

I am so grateful for sunny days. This summer is going to be the best yet! I can't think of a better way to enjoy this awesome weather than with my little girl! I am blessed beyond words to be her mom.

AND...if you didn't hear the news already...we had our ultrasound this week and saw a beautiful, well developing, and very handsome little BOY that we will be welcoming into the family in October! We are so excited and so happy about this new adventure.

1 comment:

Missy said...

I'm so excited about all these sunny days we've been having too. It sounds like you and Lola have been having a great time doing things outside.
I'm really excited for you guys and your new baby. How fun it will be for you guys to have a girl and boy.
We really need to get together before we move to Arizona. It'd be fun to catch up. :)