Monday, November 16, 2009

Its been a long time!

I don't have much time, as usual, because Lola will wake up any minute now and we have a busy day of errands to run but I wanted to write a quick update.

Lola is growing up so fast. She is getting really close to walking by herself, she just needs to get a little more confidence. She will cruise around everywhere if she is holding at least one of your hands and LOVES Grandma Brenda's little walker toy that gives her some independence. She can stand by herself for as long as she decides to. She now waves bye-bye, understands what to do when you say "kisses" (that one could be my favorite!), she knows what eyes and nose are and points to them (in spanish even!) She plays patty cake all by herself, except for the rolling part. She loves opening and closing drawers, doors, and cupboards. We left one cupboard without the child safety thing so that she could open it and it has a bunch of bowls and wooden spoons that she likes to pull out and play with. She still only has her two bottom teeth but is CONSTANTLY smiling and talking to herself. I heard her wake up from a nap a few days ago and she was chatting away and I went in her room to find her holding her teddy bear up to her face and she was telling it a story. It was the cutest thing ever! She knows how to say "more" in sign language and has figured out how to tell me when she is "all done" eating. Grandma and Grandpa Curtis also have a fun little box that you fit shapes into and she is getting to be pretty good at picking out the different shapes and putting them into the right hole. Dr. Pankau, our pediatrician, said at our last visit that she is really advanced in alot of her motor skills and she just impresses us everyday with the things that she does. She is just my best little friend. I love to take her everywhere with me, or just snuggle up on the couch and read. I love being a mother more than I could have ever imagined. She is just perfect!
We are looking forward to Thanksgiving and spending time with family. Josh is working hard at school and Carino's. He is just the best husband ever. We enjoy our alone time more than we ever have because life just seems to get so hectic everyday. We actually just started the seasons of 24 and are LOVING it. We also highly recommend "The Biggest Loser." It is so inspirational! I will get some pics up next time but if you haven't seen Lola's Halloween costume either visit my Facebook page or check out Mom and Dad Curtis' blog. It was pretty hilarious and unanimously recieved the vote for best costume!


Melodee said...

Hey lindsie your little girl is way cute. Hope you don't mind me blog stocking you! Hey its a small world I am taking a dance class from lindsey that you know from the Rigby dance team. Crazy huh hope all is well.

Terri French said...

I hope to see Lola again soon so I can see all of her new little tricks. Of course, she is adorable.

We love Biggest Loser, too!! It's my favorite show. Wish it would inspire me to lose, though.....

Amber said...

I am glad to know you are a Biggest Loser fan too. I got my family hooked on it a few years ago. I love that show.