We have a crazy busy month ahead of us. If you don't know already we are moving to Seattle for the summer while Josh sells Security Systems for the company my brother runs. Josh left almost two weeks ago and I am here with the two crazies by myself. Thankfully I have wonderful parents and in-laws that have been so willing to take them while I get a little breather every once in a while. The first weekend in May I am driving down to one of my best girl friend's weddings in St. George. The munchkins are staying home because its going to be a quick (18 hr car ride) down and back. Leaving Friday, be back Sat night so I can spend Mother's Day with my angels. THEN I am flying back to Tennessee to see another bestie married. My mom is coming with and my sister Kimy is flying down from Jersey to meet us. We will have 5 fun filled days in Country Music Capitol!!! I am taking Dawson with me and Lola will hang with Grandpa Kim, Granny B, Grandpa Steve, Aunt Jill, and Aunt Aubrey. Can't wait to see my friends get married, but all the traveling will be kind of tough. After we get back from Tennessee I am throwing everything in and we are taking off to Seattle. Its been long enough already and by that time i will REALLY need a hug and big kiss from my sweetheart.
Josh is doing well and says he can tell already that this is going to be a great experience for him. Door to door sales is definitely not easy but he says "When I get this down, I will feel like I can conquer anything!" He is an amazing guy and I have all the faith in the world in him. We prayed long and hard about this decision and know that it was the right move for us. Lola has missed him like CRAZY so I have had to really slow down and take one on one time with her. Everytime she says a prayer she asks that Heavenly Father will keep her "best daddy ever" safe till we get to our new house. I can't wait for this new little adventure with our family and look forward to the memories we will make together once we FINALLY make up there!
Learning New Things
10 years ago
You are so awesome and I am so very impressed with you! You can do it! I am glad you have things to look forward to, to help pass the time by!
I hope the next few weeks go by fast for you!
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