Saturday, December 26, 2009

Best Christmas Ever!!!

I will get some pictures up soon but I just wanted to let everyone know that we had a WONDERFUL Christmas! Lola had so much fun with new toys, family, and not napping:) Josh and I had way too much fun watching her interact with everyone and everything. She is so aware of things around her (unless she is reading a book) and wants to explore everything she can get her hands on. She is walking so well but we did get a nice big goose egg today, her first one. ALSO her second tooth on the top is staying outside her gums so for the second time we officially have 4 teeth. Her personality is growing as fast as she is and she is just a joy to be around. Christmas is always an emotional time for me but this year especially. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family. Josh works so hard to provide for us and still makes time for Lola and I. I appreciate him more everyday for giving me the opportunity to stay home with our daughter. Lola has brought such an sweet spirit into our home and this being her first Christmas made it that much more special to us. We hope everyone had a great Christmas and that the rest of the holiday season finds you safe and happy!

1 comment:

The Cook Clan said...

Its so fun to have Christmas when you have little kids to enjoy it with! Glad it was a merry one!