Sunday, September 6, 2009

Catching up!

We have had a very busy month and a half since I posted last. I won't drag out the details but this is a quick list of the things that have happened. (in no specific order)

1-) Redfish-Lola's first camping trip and she did really well except the last couple of days. Josh cleared the wake on the wakeboard and I got up on skis!

2-) Lola started saying "ma ma" and "da da". Pretty sure she doesn't understand why but we still love hearing it. Her voice is so adorable and she has the cutest little personality.

3-) Josh started scrapping metal. His friend Ben Tolman scraps metal in Bancroft so on days that Josh didn't have to work at Carino's he went with Ben to make a few extra bucks! He loves spending time with Ben so that has been fun for him.

4-) Lola started crawling. This was actually on August 26th when she started crawling for real. She had been scooting herself with her little legs for about 2 weeks before she finally caught on. She is so full of life and loves to be on the move all the time!

5-) We planned and hosted Josh's 5 year class reunion. We had a pretty good turn out and it was lots of fun. I made all the food so it was alot of work, but my mom let me use a bunch of her catering stuff so that helped out.

6-) Lola actually cut her first tooth through on the night of the class reunion, August 21. I was so excited! Now she has two of them on the bottom and LOVES to chew on her little treats.

7-) I had my 25th Birthday!!! If you don't know my Birthday is my favorite day of the year. Not sure why, I just love it! Josh suprised me with a BEAUTIFUL pearl necklace. He wanted it to make my day extra special so he made me blackberry french toast, and I didn't have to change a diaper all day!

8-) Josh and I celebrated our 2nd anniversary. It seems like it has been a lot longer since we have been dating/writing (our missions) for the last 6 years!! I sure love him and we had such a fun day. Starting on our honeymoon and now on our anniversaries we have a game tournament. We call it "The Lover's Quarrel". I was undefeated so far, but Josh pulled the upset this year and beat me at Skee Ball. We played Backgammon, Miniature Golf, Skee Ball, Air Hockey, and Mario Kart. We have so much fun together and I can't imagine my life without him. He is a wonderful man, worthy priesthood holder, the best husband EVER, and such an adorable father. Lola and her daddy love eachother so much and I don't think there is anything that makes me happier than seeing the two of them play together.

9-) "Adults Only Outing" at my parent's cabin with Ben and Alli Tolman. It was the first time we left Lola overnight but she had a fun weekend with all of her grandparents. We went to Jackson Hole and then to the Bar J Wranglers for dinner and the show. We had SO much fun! It was a really nice getaway but we were excited to get back to our little princess.

10-) Lola's first Lagoon trip. She LOVED Lagoona Beach and even though the water was a little chilly, she wanted to play in it the whole time. We met up with all of my brothers and their wives and children plus the two younger siblings. There was quite a crew there and we had so much fun. I love it when my family all gets together. We have such a good time!

11-) We found out my oldest brother Josh and his wife Beth will be having a baby in March. The reason this is so significant is because my brother Josh has been through so many medical trials they never thought he would be able to have any more children. They have three beautiful healthy kids and never expected to have more after his chemotherapy. They weren't even trying, it was just a miracle that suprised us all!. Some of the major things that Josh has faced are 5 open heart surgeries, a heart transplant, and leukemia. He has gone through more than almost anybody I know and is such an example of faith, courage, and just an incredible will to live. It is his 33rd birthday today, a day that nobody thought would ever happen. He was only given a few short months to live when he was born but has proven that miracles still do exist!

That is about all I can think of right now. We have had a wonderful summer but are ready to settle down and get ready for Fall. Josh is starting school again and only has 3 semesters left so we are so excited about that! We are loving being parents and seeing our little angel grow. She has brought such a special spirit into our home and we both feel priviledged to have such a beautiful daughter!


Stringham Family said...

Wow! Sounds like a busy summer! Glad you are all doing so well! Hope things continue to go well! I can't believe Lola is already crawling. Time flies when you are having fun I guess! It seems like just the other day we were all waiting for the news of when she would be born, crazy! You have a beautiful family, I love the pic on your page! Miss ya like crazy!

Kristi Curtis said...

Hey Lindsie, Man you need to go back to work so your life will settle down! HA! HA! Hey I'm coming home this weekend Sept.(11th &12th) so save me some time to hang out with little Lola!!
P.S. I'm the Princess!!

Morrows said...

Sounds like you have been busy! It all sounds fun. I can't believe Lola is old enough to crawl! I swear it seems like you just had her. She is a sweetheart!

linds&lance said...

Linds! I am so glad I found your blog your little girl is such a cutie! It is so fun to see how good you are doing! I just started blogging not to long ago and I love catching up and staying in contact with friends! So it will be fun to be able to stay in contact with you! Lindsey

Terri French said...

So glad that you are so happy. Little Lola is so adorable. That is really exciting about your brother.